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  • Apoyo Personalizado / Personalized Support (Personalized Support)

    Update 01.31.2020

    This bilingual English/Spanish palm card includes information about LLS's one-on-one support and other educational and support resources.

  • Ayuda con los asuntos financieros / Help With Finances (Help With Finances)

    Update 01.31.2021

    This bilingual English/Spanish palm card includes information about financial assistance for individuals with blood cancer.

  • Cada Día Nuevo (Each New Day)

    Update 05.31.2020

    This is a Spanish-language version of the booklet Each New Day.

  • Centro de apoyo para ensayos clínicos (Clinical Trial Support Center (CTSC) Bookmark)

    Update 09.30.2019

    This is a Spanish-language version of the Clinical Trial Support Center (CTSC) Bookmark.

  • Comunicación con el equipo de profesionales médicos: diagnóstico r... (Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Newly...

    Update 12.31.2018

    This is the Spanish-language version of Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Newly Diagnosed.

  • Comunicación con el equipo de profesionales medicos: diagnóstico r... (Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Newly...

    Update 12.31.2018

    This is the Spanish-language version of Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Newly Diagnosed (CARD).

  • Comunicación con el equipo de profesionales médicos: si necesita t... (Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Needi...

    Update 12.31.2018

    This is the Spanish-language version of Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Needing Additional Treatment

  • Comunicación con el equipo de profesionales médicos: si necesita t... (Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Needi...

    Update 12.31.2018

    This is the Spanish-language version of Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Needing Additional Treatment (CARD)

  • Comunicación con el equipo de profesionales médicos: supervivencia (Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Survi...

    Update 12.31.2018

    This is the Spanish-language version of Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Survivorship.

  • Comunicación con el equipo de profesionales médicos: supervivencia... (Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Survi...

    Update 12.31.2018

    This is the Spanish-language version of Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Survivorship (CARD).

  • Comunicación con el equipo de profesionales médicos: tratamiento ... (Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Treat...

    Update 12.31.2018

    This is the Spanish-language version of Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Treatment.

  • Comunicación con el equipo de profesionales médicos: tratamiento c... (Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Treat...

    Update 12.31.2018

    This is the Spanish-language version of Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Treatment (CARD).

  • Conductas saludables (Healthy Behaviors)

    Update 01.31.2019

    This is the Spanish-language version of the Healthy Behaviors Fast Facts.

  • Consultas personalizadas sobre la nutrición (Personalized Nutrition Consultations)

    Update 03.31.2020

    This is a Spanish-language version of the brochure, Personalized Nutrition Consultations.

  • El cáncer y sus finanzas (Cancer and Your Finances)

    Update 07.15.2018

    This is a Spanish-language version of Cancer and Your Finances.

  • Enfermedad residual mínima (Minimal Residual Disease (MRD))

    Update 04.30.2019

    This is the Spanish-language version of Minimal Residual Disease (MRD).

  • Información sobre el manejo del dolor (Pain Management Facts)

    Update 07.01.2013

    This is a Spanish-language version of the fact sheet Pain Management Facts.

  • Información sobre la fatiga relacionada con el cáncer (Cancer-Related Fatigue Facts)

    Update 10.01.2016

    This is a Spanish-language version of the fact sheet Cancer-Related Fatigue Facts.

  • Información sobre las complicaciones dentales y bucales del tratam... (Dental and Oral Complications of Cancer Treatm...

    Update 01.10.2017

    This is a Spanish-language version of Dental and Oral Complications of Cancer Treatment Facts.

  • Información sobre los alimentos y la nutrición (Food and Nutrition Facts)

    Update 02.01.2017

    This is the Spanish-language version of the fact sheet Food and Nutrition Facts.

  • La fertilidad y el cáncer (Fertility and Cancer)

    Update 11.30.2019

    This is a Spanish-language version of the fact sheet Fertility and Cancer.

  • La sexualidad y la intimidad (Sexuality and Intimacy Facts)

    Update 05.01.2016

    This is a Spanish-language version of the fact sheet Sexuality and Intimacy Facts.

  • Los adultos jóvenes y el cáncer (Young Adults and Cancer)

    Update 03.01.2019

    This is a Spanish-language version of the fast facts, Young Adults and Cancer.

  • Los Bomberos Y El Alto Riesgo De Cáncer (Firefighters and Cancer Risk)

    Update 03.31.2019

    This is a Spanish-language version of Firefighters and Cancer Risk.

  • Manejo De Los Efectos Secundarios: Cómo Controlar Las Deficiencias... (Side-Effect Management: Managing Low Blood Cel...

    Update 06.15.2019

    Spanish language version of Side-Effect Management: Managing Low Blood Cell Counts.

  • Manejo De Los Efectos Secundarios: Cómo Reducir El Riesgo De Infec... (Side-Effect Management: Reducing Your Risk Of ...

    Update 06.15.2019

    Spanish version of Side-Effect Management: Reducing Your Risk Of Infection.

  • Manejo del estrés: Efectos del estrés y cómo sobrellevarlos Esta p... (Managing Stress: How stress affects you and wa...

    Update 10.31.2018

    This is a Spanish-language version of the book, Managing Stress: How stress affects you and ways to cope.

  • Manual de nutrición (Nutrition Handbook)

    Update 10.31.2020

    This is a Spanish-language version of The Nutrition Handbook which provides tips and resources that you can use to help you prepare healthy meals for you and your family.

  • Patti Robinson Kaufmann Programa Primera Conexión (Patti Robinson Kaufmann First Connection Program)

    Update 04.01.2019

    This is a Spanish-language version of the brochure Patti Robinson Kaufmann First Connection Program.

  • Planificación anticipada de la atención médica (Advance Care Planning)

    Update 06.01.2019

    The Spanish-language version of the book, Advance Care Planning.

  • Recursos pediátricos (Pediatric Resources)

    Update 09.29.2020

    Spanish-language version of Pediatric Resources.