Males can take certain steps and precautions to preserve fertility before, during and after treatment.
Options to Preserve Fertility before Treatment
- Sperm banking (cryopreservation) - This involves the collection of semen through masturbation. If there are sperm in the semen, it is frozen and stored for possible future use. This is the fertility preservation option with the highest likelihood of success for men.
- Electroejaculation - For males who are unable to ejaculate by masturbation because of, for example, religious beliefs, pain or embarrassment, semen can be collected under anesthesia. An electrical current is used to stimulate ejaculation.
- Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) - For males who have no sperm in the semen specimen, this surgical procedure performed under anesthesia can be considered. The doctor removes pieces of tissue from the testes, which are then examined for mature sperm. These can be removed from the tissue and frozen for possible future use.
- Testicular tissue freezing - Boys who have not yet gone through puberty do not produce mature sperm, so they cannot sperm bank. They may be able to undergo an experimental surgical procedure in which a doctor removes tissue from the testicle to be frozen for possible future use. This technique, however, has not yet resulted in a pregnancy. Further research is needed.
- Radiation testicular shielding - If the testes will be exposed to radiation, the doctor may be able to cover them with external shields. This must be planned before treatment begins, and the shields must be used each day of treatment. Not all patients will be able to use shields, as sometimes there is a need to treat the testes with radiation.
Options for Having a Family after Treatment
- Use of your frozen sperm - Depending on the number of vials you have stored and the number and quality of the specimens, this may be used for artificial insemination (the injection of semen into part of the female reproductive tract by a method other than sexual intercourse). For many men, your female partner can undergo an IVF cycle to remove mature eggs so they can be fertilized in the laboratory with your sperm. The embryos created are transferred to her uterus.
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - If you have a low sperm count, your female partner can undergo an IVF cycle to remove mature eggs so they can be fertilized in the laboratory with your sperm. The embryos created are transferred to her uterus.
- Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) - If no sperm are present in your semen, this surgical procedure performed under anesthesia can be considered. The doctor removes pieces of tissue from your testes, which are then examined for mature sperm. If sperm are found, your female partner can undergo an IVF cycle to remove mature eggs so they can be fertilized in the laboratory with your sperm. The embryos created are transferred to her uterus.
- Donor sperm - Sperm donated by another man are used to produce a pregnancy through artificial insemination.
Related Links
- Download or order The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s free fact sheet, Fertility Facts.